Seinfeld Quote Generator

They're ladies' glasses! All you need is that little chain around your neck so you can wear them while you're playing Canasta.

That man is a step-skipper! He skips Step Nine!

They're exhausting. It's like being in an asylum.

They don't really fight THE BULL, they avoid fighting THE BULL.

A lesbian sighting.

I'm unbelievable at spelling last names.

You remember my cousin Rhisa? I'm gonna date her.

The thing you don't realize is that there's good naked, and bad naked.

I have a suspicion that he's converted to Judaism just for the jokes.

Lomez is Jewish?

No one wants to admit to them that they stuck something up there.

It doesn't matter. I want a divorce.

My wife has an inner ear infection.

What's the difference? You're their all-time best seller!

I recall the word "loser" peppered throughout her conversation.

I drew this triangle free-hand. It's a doodle. It's perfect!

It's a game of world domination.

Here's your pizza, pea brains.

I mean, aren't we all getting a little too sensitive?

Here, have some mango.