Seinfeld Quote Generator

You're passing already? But the show just ended two minutes ago!

A gymnast, Jerry. Think of the flexibility. That sex will melt your face.

I admire the hell out of her. You can't have sex with someone you admire.

I can't believe you're really going out with a woman named Lois.

I don't think we should be talking about this.

I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted cured meats.


Yada yada yada.


The first thing we're gonna do is FLUSH the follicles with the five essential oils, tHen, we put yOU undeR a vapor machine, and then a heated cap.

Hey, the Assman's in town!

If I like their race, how can that be racist?

Mary! Oh, Mary! Give us a kiss!

Yes, I do.

So, flower shows and shopping for pretty bows and then back to her place, strip down to bra and panties for a tickle fight?

People's personal sexual preferences are nobody's business but their own!

You wouldn't happen to have any of that mango left?

Hey dude, you better step off.

Very successful.

I love her, Jerry. She's so authentic. I really believe everything is actually happening to her. There's no acting there.