Seinfeld Quote Generator

One of the pieces must have hit Woody. He started crying, and he yells out, "I'm bleeding!" and he runs off.


Isn’t that from your act, like, ten years ago?

Ted Danson is not even on the network anymore.

There's porn.

I gotta get on that internet. I'm late on everything.

Of course I'm concerned. I'm paying for those meals!

You've got a lot to learn about pancakes.

This hat just bottles in the heat. I don't even need a coat! It's unbelievable!

Now, I'd like to play something - well, actually, it's my latest, so it's nice and fresh. It's called "Hot And Heavy."

I am special. My mother was right.

Should I apologize to Woody?

Lord of the manor.

Feels like an Arby's night.

I've been defaced!

You've got to pay attention.

You've got to join in the dance. She sends you an enticing photo, you send her one right back.

HEY, NOW you're onto something.

Just because your life is destroyed, don't destroy someone else's.

Well, it's only a year. That's not so bad. We'll be out in a year, and then we'll be back.