Seinfeld Quote Generator

I didn't care much for his jokes.

Do you want me to call the super? He was an Israeli commando.

Good work, Braun.

Oh, man! We're missing the Death Blow!

Excuse me! Am I talking to you, pinhead? AM I??!!

It is a real hoot.

You must go now.

What makes them think you're a risk management expert?

That is a great impression!

I'm not bragging. I happen to have a very keen lesbian eye.

They're great. They're great.

Who isn't pretentious? Ha! If everyone who was pretentious was in a mental institution….

Uh, obviously, THIS isn't a mental institution.

Adjacent to refuse is refuse.

Son of dad.

You know why Rifkin was a serial killer? Because he was adopted. Just like Son of Sam was adopted. So apparently, adoption leads to serial killing.

You yada-yada'd the best part!

So you're killing yourself because your dreams of becoming a banker have gone unfulfilled.

Bad chicken! Mess you up!

Which word did he emphasize?

She wasn't my type.