Seinfeld Quote Generator

No, no. This is all wrong.

What about the breathing, the panting, the moaning, the screaming?

You'll appreciate this. I'm sitting in Tim Whatley's waiting room - he's got a Penthouse right out on the table.

I think people want to look like pirates. You know, it's the right time for it - to be all puffy, and devil-may-care.

He's got money. Why doesn't he just pay a mover?

I'm Keith Hernandez.

Remember how Quayle looked when Bentsen gave him that Kennedy line?

Everything with you has to be so…jokey.

I just ran into Newman in the hall and he said you tried to grope Sally Weaver.

Maybe I could be like, an announcer. Like a color-man. You know how I always make those interesting comments during the game.

You can take the B or the F and switch for the N at Broadway Lafayette, or you can go over the bridge to DeKalb and catch the Q to Atlantic Avenue, then switch to the 2, 3, 4 or 5, but don't get on the G. See that's very tempting, but you wind up on Smith and 9th street, then you got to get on the R.

Oh, I'll pay. Half-price. Arrivederci, my fellow 40-short.

It's cleavage. I couldn't look away. What am I, waiting to win an Oscar here? This is all I have in my life.

Don't ever ask me about my business.

Forgot my briefcase.

That’s funny. That’s really funny. That’s really, really funny.

Did you hear the one about the Pope and Raquel Welch on the lifeboat?


That's a shame.

Powerful. He is so powerful, he can lift a hundred pounds right up over his head.