Seinfeld Quote Generator

It was a million to one shot, doc. Million to one.

I love you, too, buddy.

I'm going to be HITtting THE LINKs all weekend.

You understand everything immediately.

If you want to just keep on doing the same old thing, then maybe this idea is not for you.

Man-made prisons. You're doing time.

It's very refreshing!

Sunshine Carpet Cleaners.

We're not stupid, right? We know when something's funny!

I'm going down with the ship.

I don't think we should be talking about this.

It's a foreign movie. A film, is what it is, actually.

You gotta see the baby! You gotta see the baby!

You can't return an item based purely on spite.

And then, right after the All-Star Break, we…we just swept the Orioles. Four games. In Baltimore. So…yeah.

Mary! Oh, Mary! Give us a kiss.

What was the name of the exterminator who fumigated your apartment when you had fleas?

I got news for you. I show up with Ring Dings and Pepsi, I become the biggest hit at the party.

The very pants I was returning.