Seinfeld Quote Generator

So listen, what happened with Jane last night?

She had this throaty, sexy kind of whisper.

I've become attracted to Elaine.

Is he black?

Next Stop Pottersville! Next Stop Pottersville!

What is this? What are we doing? What in god's name are we doing?

It reminds me of when I was a young girl in Korea and I met an American businessman. He was a very unusual man. Quick-tempered with a strange, halting way of speaking. We fell in love, but when I brought him home to meet my father, he refused to take his shoes off. And there was a terrible fight.

Yeah. Yeah, I am Batman.

I don't want to sweep alone.

'Cause he's black?

One day, we will do the cleaning.

It's all pipes!

You sayin' you want a piece of me?

Either you’re born with a sense of humor, or you’re not. It’s not going to change even if you go from the red sun of Krypton all the way to the yellow sun of the Earth.

Alright, I think we're done here.

Do you ever laugh?


I hate it too. I feel like an out of work porn star.

I wonder if he's related to that guy I dated, Peter Ranawat.

We're with the FBI. You wanna tell us about your cable hook-up?