Your bourbon definition needs some tweaking. Not only is the part about the proof wrong but it doesn’t mention that the barrels must be new oak.
Your bourbon definition needs some tweaking. Not only is the part about the proof wrong but it doesn’t mention that the barrels must be new oak.
No,that’s a typo. Bourbon can be BOTTLED at no LESS than 80 proof, and must be DISTILLED at no more than 160 proof.
Hey guys we found PG’s burner account.
To be fair, I’d gladly get under that Buss myself...
If Gas Station A is charging less for Cash vs Credit transactions then the company that is charging the same for both is ripping you off by pocketing the difference when you pay cash.
“Summer Catch”
You seem a little judge-y.
“Fever Itch”
That’d be a relevant point if anyone were arguing that promotion and relegation is good because it’d make the US better at soccer.
The article is about pensions and retirements funds being used to destroy people’s own jobs. So yeah, it does. The message is that we need to think long term about our investments and what that money is being used for. There’s plenty of ways to divest from those kind of firms, we see it all the time with divesting…
It doesn’t seem like it’s been addressed to me. The point I made is that public and private pensions greatly benefit from Private Equity investments. This article you link to doesn’t say anything about the fact that they benefit.
But that’s the problem: Mid-majors CAN’T schedule tougher games. Forget getting a home-and-home; the upper echelon schools won’t even bring them to their house because there’s no upside and all downside. So you’re quite literally asking mid-majors to do the impossible. The system is broken.
> I’m not willing to risk further damage to my shoulder for a 3rd place team without its star QB, but I am willing to do so for a chance to win a super bowl with Tom Brady
You say that like it’s a bad thing. Seems perfectly reasonable to me
Just wondering if you read the above article about Purdue that this Californian gentleman was commenting on.
He was going to go with “We can’t have the slaves running the plantation” but his sensitivity training clicked in.
Donald Trump and Anthony Davis have very little to do with this IMO.
You don’t clean up puke for a living, do you?
The appropriate ESPN response is “we will tell our employees to stop calling him a White Supremacist when he stops being a White Supremacist.”
And in fact he was a lousy soldier, graduating at the bottom of his Annapolis class (which means flunking calculus and not turning in work, rather than being a rebel), getting wings he almost certainly didn’t qualify for, and dodging a well deserved grounding because he was Navy royalty. Most men don’t get a chance to…