S Ehlers

In the 80's the left constantly made fun of Ronald Reagan who treated the former Soviet Union as an enemy. This was back when Russia was actually communist. Today's democrat is like Reagan on steroids, which I find amusing if not confusing. I can understand red baiting as a strategy, but now I'm finding you people

Nobn48 is #1

you have no idea what Milo says, you only know what other people say Milo says.

The left has about 12 dozen assholes we get foisted upon us constantly. Cannot the right wingers have a couple? Oh yeah right, racism….

Thanks that answered my question. The emotional part of your brain doesn't engage in reasoning. So you end up sounding like a toddler with a labotomy

I would call that comment. Anti semantic.

Clint Eastwood was kicked off Twitter for calling whining democrats out as pussies. I guess he ruined their day or something. Because nothing is more important than a left wingers feelings.

I'm able to separate my emotions from reasoning can you?

Anyone who disagrees with a leftist is a Nazi. Ever notice that? I would be scared too if I believed I lived in a country full of Nazis. You are delusional. But at least you have company.

Is today national "ass backwards day" because you are all ass backwards

if you wake up in the morning, and everyone looks like a hater. May be that you are the hater ? Just saying

maybe you are hated because you are not that lovable.

Lefties just hate Milo because he calls them out on their bullshit.

Colbert is an actor pretending to be a talk show host/comedian. I can't get past that.

Colbert is basically a DNC paid advertisement so they do not need to worry about getting canceled. They know his show will lose money, but money is not a goal for his program. He is simply Bill Maher for people who cannot afford HBO.

Vince Gilligan and company are all too eager to become relevant again. I am going to watch for a couple more episodes, but the season opener was pretty bad sorry to say.

Anyone notice that Rick is trapped in the RV just like he was trapped in the Tank in season 1? Who rescued him? Glenn. I wouldn't doubt if there is some kind of callback to this in the end.

I've been waiting for Glenn to get killed for about 6-7 episodes now. Not sure what you mean about no lead up. As far as not having him on Talking Dead afterwords, it's possible that WD is refraining from this. Especially since the actress that played Beth had such a meltdown after her character dies. Glenn is