dj e-rock

Once again, if you are getting a refund you are doing it wrong. Do you want the government earning interest on your money for the last 3 - 15 months? Or do you want that interest?

“Free healthcare” is far from free. 330 million people x $5,000 = $1.65 trillion. Cut the military completely and you’re halfway there. Where does the other half come from?

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

I wrote a big old thing here about a time a thing happened, as I am wont to do, and decided “not worth it”. My heart just isn’t in it lately.

Instead, I’ll say this, for guests:

Be thankful someone is cooking you a meal and inviting you into their home. Times aren’t always good and easy for everyone - offer to make a

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

Having been raised by ultra-Christian/ultra-Liberal parents I always resent the notion that believing in God also means you don't understand science or marriage equality or vaccinations.