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Guys, sometimes. I really think I’m Tom Cruise.

Those things are not honor killings. No christian is going to strangle you to death in the name of christianity because of what you believe.

It’s definitely religion.

Guys, guys, guys. Guys. Not all muslims are bad though.


That is a stunt double, not Scarlet.

Ask yourself, if a man had murdered his daughters and his wife was telling him to kill himself, would you be saying any of this shit, or would you be posting *Margaret Atwood* and trumping up Toxic Masculinity? Sometimes, women are 100% asshole, yo.

LOL. I also wonder why the go to shaming device people attempt to use on men is “you’re a child”. Like obvious fucked up thing: calling men males is ok, but calling women females is sexist. Someone points this out and all of a sudden shit is “childish”. Dude, that is hilarious.

If you try hard enough, you can blame anything on a man, it seems.

But humans are animals tho.

Why though. They are just words? Male = man, female = woman.

The WaPo article is shit though. These are the apparent *highlights*.

So like when black people call white people honky tonk maynonnaise guzzling cracker whitebread motherfuckers?

So it’s simply a sexist insult then?

Quick question regarding the title. I keep getting all fucked up about the use of terms like “females” and “males” when referring to men and women. Is it cool again, or is it not cool to use “females” while “males” is ok? What’s the current practice?

LOL. What is your job?

“Perhaps the reason women report spending fewer minutes of their day doing the work that pays them money is because they get it done more quickly than their male counterparts. Perhaps they squeeze more out of every minute because otherwise the shit that needs to get done at home—the shit they do for free—won’t get

Nonsense. If you workout enough, you can eat whatever you want and still be ripped.

You can say what you want, human. Us baby seals trust no otter.

Yes, but Otters Rape baby seals to death. To death!