
“I also let him know that I would not be able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the President or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that.”

Yes. There are some days I just can’t handle it. I mean, I know this stuff is all very important and in no way normal. But I just can’t take the crushing depression and anger all the time.

Now playing

You know you live in scary times when metal lyrics about betrayal and dystopia start being really relatable:

Well at least he didn’t send any emails about it from a private server, amirite?

I’m not saying I WANT a reign of terror, but god do we NEED one.

I’d guess it’ll be a week before some bullshit legislation is signed outlawing Nordstroms in the US

That’s all well and good until Trump dismisses the entire senior staff of military ops the first time they try to oppose him on anything.

Call me a pessimist, but it’ll be about 5 days before some scout leader refuses to go along with this and says it’s their right to exclude trans kids for the “safety of the other children”

You don’t even play in America, trader.

“Let them eat whole-grain, gluten free organic pastries”

Yeah fucking right. Keep dreaming there

It’s because if they were Pro-Choice they’d be labeled as “Protesters” which is now suddenly a dirty word in America.

I figured by now she’d be the head of the FDA. Small victories amirite?

Yes, absolutely. Take what you want and control by force. If it works for running a country you bet those same law makers use it in their personal lives.

Very true I suppose. Damn you hyperbolic sarcasm!

Plus, more uneducated white babies to go join the military and fight the scary brown people!

So what’s the official order of scapegoats for people over 45 nowadays? Something like?:

Anyone who is just now realizing that Donald Trump ‘might have’ lied to them is a complete fucking idiot, and I say that without exception or remorse.