
It’s weird, she’s a Jewish woman who has (or had) a large LGBT following. She ran for president once as an independent and like 97% of her policy was pro-weed. I think she just fell down the Fox News hole w the rest of her generation.

That’s the thing that always gets me about trumpers in general. I mean, do they even know how disgusting he would find them? Do they think that they would all wander down to the corner bar and have a brewski together and talk about fishin’ and huntin’?

Considering his mental state, Donny would probably confuse Roseanne with Rosie O’Donnell

I didn’t know either. And the sad thing is Trump would probably despise a woman like her—she’s loud, opinionated, and doesn’t look like a beauty pageant contestant. Not to mention the fact that his administration wants to take away the Medicare and Social Security that Roseanne and her husband would surely be

I don’t know where the hell I’ve been that I had no idea Roseanne is a Trump supporter who tweets Breitbart shit. How can that be? Wtf is wrong with her? Fuck her and her show.

Now playing

At the same time, watch the Wives of Scientology thing that aired on CNN years ago about David Miscavige and all of his former underlings. She could also be traumatized or brainwashed in a way into this line of thought.

In an old Vanity Fair article it was implied Ivanka suffered from a form of Stockholm Syndrome. Desparate to be loved by him and have his approval. I wouldn’t be surprised if the kids are the same way with him.

I can’t stand the lot of them, but until I know what looks like the symptoms of abusive behavior aren’t, I’m reserving judgement. If the speculation about Barron being anything other than perfectly neurotypical is true, can you imagine being the woman that ‘was responsible’ for giving Trump a son that did not match

My theory is that he is a fragile narcissistic abuser. If she didn’t smile at him, he would make her pay for it later. Hell, he is probably already taking out his frustrations on her. I would stay in NY also.

I want to see Donald’s Certificate of Live Tax Returns, Melania.