
“Artificial Scarcity” only gets mentioned when Nintendo’s consoles are doing well and by unintelligent “me too” drones.

What those other guys said. This nonsense “artificial scarcity” narrative needs to stop.

Anecdotal evidence: A close coworker of mine didn’t get a bonus or a raise this year. Keep in mind he got 4/5 on his evaluation (5/5 basically means you’re being promoted), is friendly with everyone on the team, shows up early, the whole 9 yards. Their reason? “You weren’t here for the full year so you’re not eligible

Just wanted to throw in my own fuck you scalper comment, so go fuck yourself scalper.

I couldn’t even finish this insufferable nonsense.

This is not a very good analysis, and I read it most as a hidden bragging that you managed to sell a Switch for $900. You’re a scalper. We get it.

For a Canadian it was

Selling units secondhand for less than they retail new is not a sign something is in trouble. It’s a sign people aren’t buying from filthy scalpers and are getting them retail. As it should be.

I know you can, and I know it’s legal, but that doesn’t make it right. You’re a jerk for taking advantage of this situation, and I wish you knew how to feel bad about it.

That certainly is one way to attempt to spin it.

selling a Switch for 900? thanks for telling you’re a stupid fucking idiot.