
I tried watching this movie last night and I immediately regret having friends who practically forced me to sit through an hour of this shlock. What an overrated film.

I tried watching this movie last night and I immediately regret having friends who practically forced me to sit through an hour of this shlock. What an overrated film.

The way things panned out in this show feel contrived. You'd think that in such a situation a person would confront their significant other having discovered their infidelity. But now that Neil is also becoming a gigolo, for whatever fuck the reason is, it throws into disarray the whole karmic justice angle. Oi vey.

And the way she pickpockets: sliding down cars with the grace and elegance of a….of a…what-you-might-call-it.

I agree with you too on Raffi and Dirty Randy being effective in small doses. This episodes focused waaaay too much on them and felt gratuitous and unnecessary. To be honest, after this ep I wouldn't mind not seeing those two for another season.

I love Californication. It's way better than House of Lies which is still struggling to find its feet and is resorting to gratuitous sex scenes ala this show in its first season. I just hope that Hank actually shows some character development. He knows he can't have Karen anymore and trying to hook up with Meagan