
This is why everyone hates Chris.

The ONLY right thing to do would be for any artist with integrity to not support this domestic terrorist.

I agree, Bobby. I think she was trying to be nice, but, in my opinion, when it comes to hate speech, ain’t nobody got time for that. This bitch - short of burning her house down, I would have totally and publicly blasted her - LOUDLY. There is no tolerance for hate. Never.

People like this are a danger to everyone. He needs to be shipped off the planet.

Looks pretty bad.

My dick wouldn’t work for that either.

Most wealthy people are pretty awful, and Dorit is a perfect example. I like Erika though and even her husband seems pretty down to earth. LVP is ok too. The rest....oy vay.


I noticed that too lol

Just gross. I was forced to watch this because my room mate did and was mildly amused at first then realized most of these people are just really awful. Except Ariana and Sandoval, Schwarz and Brittany. They seem to be really nice people. Katie IS a blob - a blob of boring shit. She’s obviously a very unhappy,

Ughhhh. Some people just can’t handle their drugs/alcohol. THIS is why men don’t want anything to do with these women. Except poor Tom Schwarz, and I agree, they will be divorced. He doesn’t even want to marry her and he doesn’t even know it really.