bitch i might be

Albums is hard for me.

I'd say my favorite episodes are

Agree. I can do baroque in small doses. I prefer piano concertos. Those make for great background.

I have my own office, so I listen to whatever I want. Usually it's a whole discography of the artist. I listen to Radiohead, Deftones, Death Cab, Phantogram, Meg Myers, and classical music mostly. Today it will be Modest Mouse's catalog.

Starting off with a bang:

Deftones <3

Upvote for BTS. That album is perfection.

<3 lost cause and phantogram

Up vote for Radiohead. I love In Rainbows.

I think my husband would be like Stanley's character when we have kids.

God lord potty training my dachshund is a nightmare.

I have anxiety and depression as well. My anxiety is better ATM but winter brings on the SADs. It's so hard to get out of bed on time most days. I'd rather sleep and cuddle with my dog. I have a large to-do list, and it gets overwhelming at times. I allow myself some loafing days ands try to take advantage of energy

I would totally watch this movie.

Newer modest mouse definitely qualifies. But older? Soooo good.

Style is way better than Blank Space. This proves it more for me.

I don't think I can rewatch the series finale of Six Feet Under. I bawled through the whole ending. I was pretty traumatized by the season finale of Grey's Anatomy where the guy shoots up the hospital. But Jurassic Bark from Futurama…damn. I've seen it maybe twice and couldn't do it again.


It looks light blue and bronze gold to me. I cannot see black.

I love Reckoner. Really that whole album.

Upvote for Gaga and DANCE!