bitch i might be

Yeah, with like Idris Elba and Beyoncé or something?

The father will try to harm or kill it bc it just wants to mate again.

I also forgot War Horse! That movie had me sobbing.

I was also very upset by the dog killed in Fear.

Seymour from Futurama, can't even be hear that ending song without crying. Artax got me hard. All the books like Old Yeller, Red Fern, Black Beauty. The ant from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. He doesn't die, but the calf from City Slickers in the river always makes me upset. I was SO put off by the first scene from House


But why.

Agree on Pete and Pete. I'll add Clarissa for the female audience. I had her see-through phone!

I was in middle school at that time, and those attitudes and fashions were definitely around.

Naw but Beauty and the Beast doesn't hold up for me like it used to. Still looking forward to the live action movie though.

Agreed on the teen comedies. They still hold up for me. I like other ones, like Can't Hardly Wait, but not as much.

Clueless, hands down.

Yes, Stone Sour suuuucks.


My first thought was trying to build a new Ark but that seems like a bandaid answer for them. They actually want to fix things this time.

That make me chuckle. Spot on, Roan.

Same here. I liked season 3 a lot. I didn't love how Bellamy went but didn't abandon all hope. People do crazy shit under duress.

Octavia was all, "Fuck right, I did." It was intense!

Yes! And that Counting Crows song when they have sex!

"Breathe Me" by Sia and "Transatlantacism" by Death Cab for the series finale of Six Feet Under