bitch i might be

Damn, I forgot about this oft used one: Bart: "Dad, are you licking toads?" Homer: "I'm not not licking toads!"

I've definitely used "I was saying Boo-urns" in recent conversation. I also like to use "Everything's coming up Milhouse!" Or any other name that applies. One of my favorites is when Apu makes dinner for the Simpsons, and it's so spicy that Lisa says, "I can see through time!" But my most favorite is probably this

I brought mazto ball soup to my work potluck today. I have a team potluck on Monday. I'm getting a veggie tray and making something vegetarian, probably veggie quinoa bites.

I think my favorite was Seattle, with Boston second. Miami was…interesting hehe.

Love Boston and Seattle!

This year has been pretty lame. Everything is unoriginal and uninspired. Our country is moving backward at the same time that we move forward. Too many people think they are special snowflakes and deserve whatever they want. There's a lot of hiding behind computers and armchair activism (hashtags don't equal

Agree. Good News and We Were Dead were in the same vein. And those two are nothing like Moon, Lonesome Crowded West, or Building Something Out of Nothing.

The first weeks of having an 8 week old puppy. Tried to crate train, spent most nights not sleeping, crying at work from guilt, and giving up and letting her sleep in the bed. Picking up A LOT of dog and cat bodily fluids, yuck. Also, my own stomach upset episode (I have vomit phobia) in August. Falling off on walking

All of Phantogram's albums and Meg Myers' EPs. Foster the People's new album was mostly pretty enjoyable. As of late, it's been mostly classical music.

Mine was bad last week, but this past weekend and this week has been better. I'm still easy to emotion and irritability, but my attitude feels less angry and mood less low.


Modest Mouse is in the top 10 of my favorite bands, BUT I base that on everything up to and including "Good News." I have "We were Dead," but I only like a few songs from it. I just don't vibe with the newer sound. Also, I've seen them four times and the last two shows were pretty much similar sets. I know which songs

That song got me hooked.

Must've got a toenail caught in my throat!
Get out of here, Nebulon. No one likes your style.
How did you-what's your secret?

Definitely Phantogram's "Black Out Days" and several other songs on that album. I haven't seen Phantogram in any comments yet. Sad.


"Desire or "Go" by Meg Myers
"Black Soap" by Ex-Cops
"Bridges" by Broods
"Cool Kids" by Echosmith

I was way into female singers/female-led groups this year and not much else.

Agreed. IMO, this year has not been great for music, especially pop. And I like some pop. Stuff playing on my city's alternative station hasn't even been appealing to me either. but I mainly listen to music from the 90s or early 2000s.

I'd like to know more about St. Pepsi because Fiona Coyne is a character from the newer generation of Degrassi, and that's pretty sweet. And I love Pepsi.

This times infinity. I HATE that song.

Great pick. She has a song on her first EP, "After You," that is just gorgeous. "Go" is a pretty sweet song as well.

I thought that no one but me thinks that Bang Bang sounds like Wake Me Up! I feel vindicated!