What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them.
Absolutely do not compost dog poop. This is terrible advice that no one recommends for a reason.
I feel like dumbbells are an underrated OHP aide. Between the fantastic option of an Arnold press (much harder than OHP) and the sheer difficulty of getting set when you near your limits, they go a long way towards helping you progress in an otherwise very frustrating lift.
Well, if you are passing, then do what you gotta do. Just don’t camp in the left lane... in anything... and I’ll be happy.
For my money, Speakman makes the best shower heads. They turn low-to-average water flow into powerful, adjustable shower streams like magic. The cheaper models (e.g. S-2005-HB) work just as well as the slightly more expensive ones (e.g. S-2252), although they don’t look quite as nice. Trump needs to get one so he can…
For my money, Speakman makes the best shower heads. They turn low-to-average water flow into powerful, adjustable…
As a security expert that has been cited in and written for Lifehacker, Gawker, Gizmodo, Q&A and Evil Week, I would highly recommend you don’t do this unless you have very good reasons.
Jesus. The internet was a mistake.
Sometimes I think F1 wants to go extinct.
I always thought that it was floss, then brush.
I always thought that it was floss, then brush.
There Is No Place For Confederate Flags In NASCAR Outside Of a Museum
While I agree with this 100% and it is long overdue, it is a tall order. I’ve been to a few NASCAR events and most the fan base represents a very unsavory element of our country. The the vibe is redneck hard right, racism is palpable. These folks lean into the ignorance and, disgustingly, wear it as a badge of honor.…
The Concept 2 model D is one of the most popular ERG’s on the market and getting on the wait list now is well worth it if someone is at all serious about indoor rowing.
The Concept 2 model D is one of the most popular ERG’s on the market and getting on the wait list now is well worth…
5 different rowers but no mention of Concept2?
5 different rowers but no mention of Concept2?
Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.
Thanks so much for posting this. I hate getting their junk mail. Please post more content like this.
Seriously? My emphasis:
and 419 want to buy it used.
Deal with it.