Kim Wexler's Perfect Ponytail

As a teenager, I made a friend at camp and decided to travel cross state, a year later, to spend the weekend with her. I had my Ukranian BF in tow. My friend’s mom picked us up at the rural bus stop early in the morning and drove us up into the mountains where they lived. As we pulled in, she snorted to see a car in


Well, I meant “human” being up there, but the “hitman” typo is kind of poetic.

They think 45 is an “Imperfect Vessel”, a biblical reference that justifies their support of such an awful hitman being. There’s a documentary on Netflix called The Family that goes into a little detail about that specifically and a lot of detail about how and why these evangelicals historically got all wrapped up in

I agree with almost everything you said and still, I also love this movie and wouldn’t change a thing. Oh, art.

....and now he just came posthumously in his coffin because you compared him to Hitler. 

Except that he 100% had a boner while he was doing this atrocity exactly because he knew his face would be plastered all over social media after he was done, and seriously, fuck him for all eternity. No. No names, no pictures, we can and should collectively erase them from history. 

I also had an “oldies are ok” kind of childhood in the late 80's/early 90's, and at the tail end of that I tested my parent’s boundaries with the local classic rock station. That lasted until my dad heard Eric Clapton’s “Cocaine” playing in my room and came in and ripped my boombox out of the wall.

“...but I’ll probably still watch just to see what The Family is up to these days.”

IKR I was holding it down like a champ right until the subway singing and then! Waterfall.

She’s fine, objectively and subjectively I find her attractive. Even if she were more like what you described and less what I see, it still doesn’t change the fact that she’s a woman, which means that she’s 100 % been sexually harassed before in her life (she looks to be around my age so probably a lot more than once)

I’ll bet the expensive one-name stylist was Garren.

AND, did they do it on purpose?

It it just me or does anyone else who speaks Russian consistently amused every time the “ahoy” in “Scoops Ahoy” is said out loud?

She’s an incredible athlete at the top of her game, she’s co-captaining a stellar team, she’s already won. Win or lose the cup, I don’t care what the suppurating orange tool in the Oval Office tweets about it. I’m glad she said what she said exactly when she said it. 

IG Metal clock!!!!! Badass unions FTW

She has both more experience and smarts than the current president of the entire United States, so she’ll be fine. 

Was wondering the same thing.

I wonder why all of them immediately dive back into the water as soon as they’ve completed the task. 

I’ve been riding public transport daily for 20 years and when I get on at my stop and when the dude (alllllwaaayys a dude) who is taking up his seat and half the empty seat next to him (my seat) doesn’t close his man-spreading legs quickly enough, I will sit on whatever is in my way.