Wow, it's been removed by the user? I just wanted to watch it again because it was so freaking hilarious. ):
Wow, it's been removed by the user? I just wanted to watch it again because it was so freaking hilarious. ):
Hey look, it's just like those bubbles on the Vita home screen!
Ah, that's a good thought! There are other games with ratings as well, like Advance Wars and such, even Resident Evil 5 comes to mind. I think games shouldn't rate the player because as you said, it takes away a certain amount of freedom, as it's trying to force the player into a certain shape. As I said before, I…
For what it's worth, I agree with you. The game shouldn't tell me that I sucked ass when I felt good after a long tough regular story fight, it's just weird. Maybe they simply should reserve the star rating for repeated boss fights or the optional missions (which were fun!). Or a separate Time/Star Challenge mode or…
Agreed! Excited as hell for XIII-2!
Hmm, I actually don't remember ever using the second stick in Wipeout. Doesn't it move the camera or something?
I agree with you, man! Sitting down is the way to go. Every time you pee standing you can be sure everything within a meter radius is full of your stuff (even if you think your aim is perfect). That's not good hygiene.
That is probably why I have you hearted! ^.^ We think alike!
Where's that from?
There's a new comic by the Penny Arcade and PVP guys, which features anonymous articles by game testers right below the comic.
I love when our other brains are so rational!
Judging from that first pic, your second brain already knows why!
Probably just wearing female human armor. Y'know. Like those fake bras.
Ah, the website is pretty good if you just use the overview of the latest updates.
You're right, it did.
Wii can output 480p, so I guess there's no real concern there about PAL/NTSC.
Well, I agree, but the DS isn't region locked like the Wii. I've imported Radiant Historia and 999, but only because my DS could easily play them. If you want to play imported Wii games, you've got to go through some hurdles to get your games running, and I'm not sure how many people actually want to do that.