
At his age, I doubt entry into a new career is possible, especially when educational costs would likely be needed to get new skills. Sometimes you just get to a point where a low-paid career is your only real option for life in terms of what you can do well, at least that’s been my experience in my teaching and my

I think its stated in the article that he was making that money and making the child support payments. It was only after he had employment issues that he wasn’t able to.

Doesn’t that block the vent holes?

Google before you speak, fucktard.

Why can't they just make the hatch!

And now I’m on Craigslist looking up cheap washing machines for a days fun to have

I mean those burns were pretty wet.

Now playing

I don’t often disagree with you, Tyler, and certainly would not want to raise your ire, or cause you any disrespect.

Now playing

This is a pretty good list of films to check out.


Those are not magnetic fields but pressure patterns. When you close your eyes, your eyelids put a little pressure over them to prevent air and particles from getting stuck between your cornea and the eyelid’s back. As you’ve probably experienced, if you put pressure to yor closed eyes (by putting them against your

But that’s not a custom pack, just a custom housing. The battery inside you could buy for $30-40 at a batteries+. It’s not a cellphone it’s a great big digital recorder. And if you didn’t want to deal with loose batteries there’s plenty of off the shelf interface options.

If GoPro is tanking, it’s because they forgot to build obsolescence into their cameras. Those things don’t die. Eventually not enough people need a new one.

intellectual authority

Once again I just stopped by to fill a few minutes gap between busy work.

If you’re interested, one of the commentary tracks on the 20th anniversary dvd is with a couple of the actual pilots, and they give you a pretty good guide as to what is realistic and what is "Hollywood", as they term it.

But what if you don’t have any friends…