Rear camber looks all sorts of fucked.
I bet this will match the success the Lincoln Blackwood had seen.
These trucks are most certainly guaranteed to work as commercial vehicles. I think the Merc p/u truck will be as douchey as the Lincoln Blackwood.
Squanch? Squanch. Squanch! Squanch, squanch, squanch, squanch. SQUANCH!
It’s a fun idea to bring back the nostalgic production (limited) for this car. But this shit ain’t no Tesla Model 3.
This is a Matt Farah worthy The Smoking Tire one take car. But that price? Eeeesh.
You are ABSOLUTELY smoking the wrong shit.
Shut the fuck up you uncultured, selfhate projecting, fly in a sea of turd infested upper lip stink.
Because... it was written that way?
Are these Hondas AWD? If so, I WANT ONE!
Diana, genius to attach a picture of Rose shooting a questionably looking ball. I clicked. Dammit.
Gems. Most definitely gems =)
I fucking DID IT! Okay...
I like how more players are beginning to have an opinion lately. There’s douches you don’t want to hear from, then there’s these gems that have an opinion worth listening to and speaks to people with reasonable minds, sharing whats been in our hearts and validating us as a whole.
My new handle should be ‘Spinelli’s Long Hair’