
Ah, man. I actually like the full theme.

I've also started listening from the beginning, thanks to the people in these here Podmass comments vouching for it, as well as their CBB ads. I love it. It's taken over my podcast life.

I agree with everything you've said here. And the videos really do add a lot of the nuances in the silences and the looks that you miss in the audio. Love it.

I've had a couple characters I really liked but there's just something about the excitement of starting completely fresh. Huh, maybe that's why I keep starting over.

I've probably started Skyrim 8 or 9 different times; I'll create a character and in an attempt to avoid open world anxiety, to give myself some kind of *anchor*, I'll give myself a goal - THIS time I'm just going to focus on collecting Daedric Artifacts, goddammit - but, of course, I end up getting sidetracked and

Oh man, that's crushing.

God, I totally forgot about the Nash episode. Wasn't great, you're right.

Really enjoyed last week's (regular) episode of Never Not Funny, with Tim Simons who really seemed to fit in at once. Big fan of his conversational use of "fuckin'."

Henry: When we first moved to New York we had a great apartment that was dirt cheap.
Kip: And we found out why it was so cheap.
Henry: Our friend Amy said there was a great apartment in her building.
Kip: Dirt cheap, but it’s a hotel for women. Okay, we made one adjustment.
Henry: Now these other ladies know us as

Holding out for a Four Teti album. Gosh, could you even imagine?

I'm spending way too much time in 7 Days to Die, which features me pedantically making sure all my supplies are properly arranged in the appropriate storage crate, all the while my disgusting hovel of an actual apartment remains an unorganized free-for-all. If there's better ways to spend a Saturday in San Diego than

Dave Holmes is the best.

Ha, you're an idiot!

I would be happy with that, as well!

A Man Needs A Maid - Neil Young