
“I know the topic of Michelle on post-White House life is getting old”

my god, they’re insufferable.

i didn’t make the ‘lynda carter is the perfect wonder woman’ argument.

charisma isn’t just from physical attributes, but ok.


uhm, i didn’t argue anything even remotely like that. i didn’t even compare her to lynda carter.

did you read anything else i wrote in this thread? ‘cause it seems like you didn’t. also, i’m not an idiot for having a strong opinion about something. i didn’t shit on anyone for liking her. so kindly take several seats.

have you heard of this thing called an opinion?

“I’ve been waiting literally my entire life for this movie”

wow. you read a whole lot into what i said.


i don’t give a shit where she’s from, so that argument is out. yes, i did grow up on the lynda carter wonder woman, but that’s not even it either. i don’t think she has the charisma to play her. there is a bit of an issue for me with the physicality. i think wonder woman should be a bit more physically imposing.

oh. well shit...i guess i have to rethink my opinion now.

what’s not to love? that she was cast as Wonder Woman. ugh. she can be a super nice person, but she is NOT Wonder Woman.

he probably can’t even spell ‘chess’



i don’t care, but i know someone who has a pie for him

no. it’s boring as shit. the tragedy part is horrible, but affleck was just moody and boring.