Seeking Spirit Animal

That video was physically painful. In the words of Cruz’s infamous intellectual equal, “Doh!”

This! Is he starting a cult, are the people he’s with safe? What is happening?!

I’m all for your sentiment about how public dollars are allocated, but...
Estimated cost of Trump’s golfing: $52.7mil
Corporation for Public Broadcasting FY 19/20 request: $445 million
If he kept golfing at his current rate over an 8-year presidency (god help us), then he would about the budget for the CPB

This needs more stars.

This seems like a great item, but the promo code isn’t working :(

This seems like a great item, but the promo code isn’t working :(

Go Lindy! This is great :)

As someone who works in labor, I go back and forth on having a strong, powerful central body. The union I am in (CWA-TNG) has a national that takes a hands-off approach. This is good when there are thriving locals doing innovative and exciting things, because the bureaucracy of national oversight doesn’t get in the

Hark! Union density grew by 1% in CO last year... we’re still below the national average. But, hey you have to start somewhere I suppose.

Police and FBI will very often use undercover officers at protests as a means to target and track leaders as well as instigate violence and property damage only to arrest those who follow their lead.  

Oh capitalism. Always defending the property first, never the people.

Deep Cuts and Millihelen are sorely missed :(

I think it is a warped manifestation of self-protection for these individuals. If accept their grandmother was a monster, then how does that implicate them? The loved, cared for and likely enabled a monster.

They legit jacked this orb from Isengard.

The funniest thing about this picture isn’t so much that the boots are brand new, it’s the fact that they are MOUNTAINEERING boots... The kind you would wear when scrambling in the Himalayas or Canadian Rockies. Those bad boys start at $800 and only get more expensive from there. 🙄🤷‍♀️

As someone who has, on multiple occassions, met (and weirdly, mountain biked with) W., I can assure you that his ‘nice guy’ and ‘affable idiot’ persona can be very disarming but deep down he is still the anti-choice, war mongering a-hole we loved to hate for 8 long years.

By urban I mean anything non-rural

If you live in an urban area, roosters are usually illegal. Even in places where municipal code permits people to raise chickens, roosters are prohibited. You could probably just call 311. Hope you get the situation sorted!
