
As a software developer, I can tell you usage metrics go a LONG way in helping determine improvements, fixes and new features in practically all software.

Sorry you got fired from Google.

“It is only a problem if you treat your race as your identity instead of what you think or how you act.”

The second and third paragraphs of the article sum up the crux of the argument and rely on verifiable fact. The article is too long and goes too wide, sure, but those two paragraphs are key.

Perhaps you think there’s nothing wrong with the contractor structure, and how nice for you if that’s the case. But the finance

JFC do I really have to start another response with JFC? This is an eyes on the prize time people. As in keep your eyes on the f’ing prize and not on stupid distractions like this. You’d think the idea was being planted by an alt-right misdirection campaign.

Hot and sour soup is the best soup for sickness, hands down. It beats chicken noodle by a million miles.

It brought back my virginity.

Software developer here. As someone who considered gamedev in the past, I would recommend you dangle the salary carrot. A software developer will hit $100K salary very early on in a career. A game dev won’t. I don’t crunch, I don’t have horrible hours, and I do the same coding. Sure, my product isn’t Halo, but someone

And yet, if it were so bad... how could it stand to be in my top 3 of all time? It’s almost like it’s 100% subjective or something.

I’m one of the minority that loved the XIII series. Hands down the best battle system in the series. But I do realize that most people think that FF hasn’t been good for a while. I really hope they can regain their mainstream success. That being said, the battle system in the new XV demo was incredibly simple, and

This is such a contrived pointless issue. Human drivers don’t have the capability to make these decisions in an accident, there’s not enough reaction time. And the fact is, self driving cars will be so much safer that nobody will care whether the only fatal car crash this decade really killed “the right person”. We

Tweet: “Take precaution when visiting areas of heavy manufacturing, such as the manufactured outrage on Gizmodo.”

at 96% autopilot, it might be fair to say that you assisted a Tesla Model S in completing a cross country record.

There is a HUGE difference between visual emotes that have zero effect on gameplay and guns that directly impact your ability to play the game.

Just make sure you don’t let the random rule spread...

yes! thank you - i can’t believe dr nerdlove didn’t address the underlying SURPRISE anger bomb in that sentence.

I agree. The random avatar generation idea is really cool and a totally legit design choice. It’s just that they added it *after* most people had bought the game. This is less a story about RUST and really a story about Early Access and why it shouldn’t be supported. The developers should be free to make any game they