
To all the commenters who say “but why do we need this” or “but I LIKE driving”, if you’re willing to be more likely to kill someone (or yourself and your family) because you “like driving”, you’re a fucking monster. I hope that if we see some positive safety statistics around autonomous vehicles, that people change

The problem is, players’ main motivation is often not to “win” but rather to “vent rage.” People would rather be “right” than win - e.g. they’d rather think “you suck shit while I did it right” than they would think “what can I do to turn this game around?” This is why you constantly see people shit talk their own

Same here! It really changed my view when I realized it’s not ABOUT the bathroom, it’s about the cadence.

So what’s IBM supposed to do in this situation? They need some special skills, and their workforce doesn’t have em. Are they just supposed to keep paying people they don’t need forever?

Wait, isn’t International Men’s Day just called President’s Day?

Interestingly enough, you choosing the woods would do more good than making this comment. Maybe you shoulda just done that, eh?

Well that’s just like, your opinion, man.

Welp, she’s a human being, so I’m gonna go with “be respectful and appropriate” even if her body is (part of) the product. Just by calling “her body” the product, you’re vastly oversimplifying the product. Her body, personality, game choice, play style, community interaction, industry knowledge etc etc etc are the

If you think those things are the same, you’re being intentionally thick. Nobody wants women to “do what they want” by intentionally being shitty to other people.

WHY are there so many people trying SO HARD to defend this kind of shitty fucking behavior? I don’t get it!!?? Who here is FOR sexually harassing women? Who.

What? How is it hard. It’s only hard if you make it hard. Lady with her titties out? Try not be a fucking piece of shit about it. Lady with her titties out and selling a seat to watch? STILL TRY NOT TO BE A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT ABOUT IT. Not difficult.

Look guys, I’m deeply liberal and I think the conservative party right now is pretty atrocious, but let’s not pretend conservative news outlets are all trash heaps while the liberal outlets are bastions of integrity. Some of the shit I read on the Washington Post lately is embarrassing. Wild, biased, poorly sourced

If you want to build machines more, but don’t want to pay $100 to have someone troubleshoot for you, start a collection of any old hardware your buddies don’t want anymore. Any parts people are going to throw away can be used to troubleshoot. I keep a shitty PSU around just for this sort of occasion. If my new PC

So that people die when things go wrong? People aren’t inherently better at this than the machines are...

How they spend their lives affects you in NO way. Why would you even have an opinion about that?

Yep, they took on a big risk by going into this business, and that’s their choice to make. Does that mean they can’t complain about it? Why the hell WOULDN’T they complain about it? What hurt you about the complaint to make you so hostile toward it?

Don’t understand this comment. Are you saying it’s not theft, or not art (or neither)?

Also remember that all faceless corporate machines are staffed by regular fucks like us who just want their benefits and salaries. Trust me, stealing shit from mega corporations doesn’t hurt the shitty C-level people on top. When the company goes under, they have millions and the regular guy on the bottom is the one

This fucking argument, as usual.

When it’s consensual by all parties involved. Pretty simple.