
There is SO MUCH fake hair on the back of her head! It looks like she’s part human female, part pony.

Is it because she never seems to be communicating actual words, just soft cooing sounds that approximate words?

Yeah, someone else mentioned that she can look older, and she really can. She looked her age when she was parodying J Law on SNL. They’re definitely going for the “is she legal?” look on purpose.

Not at all what I said. Work on your reading comprehension.

Given how popular she is, I don’t think this is much of a problem accept for some Jez commenters/writers.

I hate her styling. I appreciate the fire-rehire-fire again approach.

her lolita thing is too much for me.

For the longest I kept thinking she doesn’t really sing as much as she imitates the sound of singing. It take pipes and talent to do it, but for some reason her ‘singing’ comes of as weirdly ‘off’ to me.

Wait Drew Barrymore isn’t 20. This relationship is entirely unrealistic.

Drew Barrymore is both totally annoying and entirely endearing. Neither thing negates the other. She is eminently watchable, despite that voice. Which is annoying and endearing.

I think for me, being a mom and what not, is that I feel deeply confronted by these shows that demonstrate that men my own age want younger female bodies.

How in God’s name does Heather Graham keep getting work? She seems like a lovely person, but her acting has been cringe-worthy in just about everything I’ve ever seen her in.

I just commented about this on another post! I was beyond annoyed with this show. Oh please, show us more middle-aged men who only date girls half their age. Ugh.

You know, when I am having a super intimate romantic celebration with my partner i ALSO hire someone to follow us around with a camera to prove how much we love each other. It enhances the experience.

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

They totally wasted Adam Rodriguez. Also, I’m over her being a virgin. I’d be banging ALL those guys.

I agree. That smile!

Michael’s a putz. Rafael for everything.

I totally agree - I don’t like Michael, because he is just a skeevy character and kind of seems like he could have some unnecessary evil in him - I much prefer Rafael. Michael has secrets and was stupidly hooking up with his coworker and just couldn’t back off, not because of love but the need to be the winner.

He does it to himself. He should accept fate doesn’t want him to be with Jane and she deserves someone hotter. Yes I’m that shallow.