Are you against things like Black Lives Matter and the Million Man March and Occupy Wall Street and Vietnam protests and the March on Selma because you think they contain too much outrage?
Are you against things like Black Lives Matter and the Million Man March and Occupy Wall Street and Vietnam protests and the March on Selma because you think they contain too much outrage?
Again, I am taking exception to the author’s confusing verbiage. First, what she means is “befitting,” not “benefiting,” meaning that it is unsuitable or déclassé somehow for someone from Yale to not be upwardly mobile in all cases at all times. As I pointed out, and as others have pointed out, this is far from the…
Eh, I’d find it plausible if there were any proof she wanted to die other than her geezer husband’s word. The lady wasn’t another elderly person with the severe health issues her husband had. She was barely 47 years old. Being a suspicious and uncharitable soul I would suspect that maybe she got tired of taking care…
The Cinemascore is the grade from audiences that the studios use to determine what the word of mouth is going to be. So the movies that get A’s are things like The Help, The Blind Side, Unbroken, etc. Manipulative Uplifting movies that make you love America. Other movies that got low Cinemascores are Boogie Nights, The…
A couple of decades ago, a young couple met in a college drama class. She was a city girl, bright and driven, from a family of educated people. He was from a rural family, the first to go to college. The girl went on to a top law school, mixing with the political elite while her husband worked at a grocery store, a…
I didn’t say anything to suggest Hope wasn’t profoundly mentally ill; quite the opposite – see my subsequent response. She was clearly the victim of other types of abuse, some of it probably criminal, even before she was murdered. Please don’t assume I don’t know anything about how disability services – in fact that…
I have anxiety over sam biddles response to commenters when he himself cant explain the difference between an app and a website
This is….poorly written, poorly researched, pseudo-literary creative nonfiction and it needs to stop.
David was 61 at the time; Hope was just 23.
Yeah, I’m seeing an article written by someone who does not understand mental illness, but thinks diagnosing it is as simple as rolling through the DSM a couple of times and pulling out some squishy-sounding stuff.
Exactly. The author is trying too hard to find a dramatic incongruity where there is none.
At least it seems to be mostly accurate, which is unusual for Jezebel.
I had the same reaction here. The whole story is very sad, but even if the husband is telling the truth, he had other options. I hate the phrase mercy killing. Mercy would be getting his wife help.
David was 61 at the time; Hope was just 23.
The husband’s an idiot for not getting his wife the help she needed, and instead doing what her disease asked him to do. It is challenging to have a suicidal spouse — you love them, you want to do what’s best for them, and sometimes they get turned off of the mental healthcare system because they had a lousy…
It’s not clear, during the many years they were together, that Hope had meaningful work—not consistently, anyway, not as benefitting someone with an Ivy League education and multiple graduate degrees.
Exactly. I’m from this area as well, as this thing was clearly written by a person who has never stepped foot there. I hate this pseudo-journalism that rips off other people’s work and wrongly assumes that it understand its subject.
And having lived in the area for 6 years I couldn’t help cracking up at the “you could see no one for days” line.
Fascinating. My husband and I have an agreement that if either one of us is really in a bad way healthwise and won’t recover, we will have signed a DNR and will not take extraordinary measures to save the other person. I would not ask my husband to kill me because I do not want him to go to jail, but I would kill…
There is no evidence here of folie a deux. Just of a distressed woman who may have wanted to die and a man who either aided or murdered her. Folie a deux is a much more rare and complex disorder, characterised by psychosis.