See Hag

Yeah, this guy is weird. His SNS posts always have some strange story about his interactions with women, and a plug for his web site. I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned for spamming, because these stories just seem like a weird way to get more pageviews on his site.

Ugh the words “panty” and “wet” are two of the most phonically heinous English words

You feel you didn’t do anything wrong because you feel that you weren’t being creepy, and you are wrong on both counts. “What causes her to think that way” is that you’re being creepy, not that she is oversensitive or has some sort of history with creepiness upon which you would clearly like to conjecture.

Yes, I basically hated everyone except for Timothy Hutton and Penelope Ann Miller (and I'm not really a fan of hers). But I was compelled to keep watching. And the ending - oof!

In short, yes we have come to that point. And really, have always been at that point. In that our actions have consequences. Sure, you can choose to write about a public figure simply because you feel you are entitled to do so or that she is somehow less deserving of respect or human decency because of what she does.

Yes, it’s hard to take. Especially because, since we’re seeing all of these characters at the worst time in their lives, they are, with regrettable realism, at their very worst behaviorally.

she didn’t “overreact”. you made her feel uncomfortable and she told you this in no uncertain terms. The fact you then come here to jez and leave a novel in the comments only vindicates her feelings of discomfort towards you. Never invoke this woman’s name again and MOVE ON. And don’t do this kind of thing in the

Andre’s smile is a gift to the world.

My memory isn’t good enough to have movies I know by heart, but I do have an embarrassing frequent re-watch. I freaking LOVE A Night at the Roxbury! It is so much fun.

Ugh the words “panty” and “wet” are two of the most phonically heinous English words and the fact that together they are supposed to indicate female arousal is a straight up crime against women.

Good idea. As best I can recall, I’m pretty sure the show was only delayed by a matter of hours after each episode last season, on Hulu Plus. Who needs cable?

Every time I do this with one of you guys I cannot shake the feeling that your “cultural heritage” is indistinguishable from a mental illness. I can’t make you well and losing my temper with the mentally ill is helping no-one. Like I said, anyone who watched Sandy Hook and came out of that still refusing to accept

You don’t want to go ahead and try and apologize for that bullshit attitude being key in massacre after massacre? Go on give it a try. It starts somethiung like this ... I’m gutless and utterly terrified of the world and immaterial if school after school or woman after woman gets to pay the price for my terror, I’m

Actually, there seems to be a lot of people doing so to derail this conversation, which is about who is killing women: MEN. That men are also waging a war on themselves is not what we are talking about right now. The murderer in Lafayette killed those women at that movie because he hated women.

Oh wonderful, let’s get this racist asshole involved in discussions about gun violence. She can blame it all on black and hispanic dudes again. Cuz they’re all criminals amirite???

Oh - I get it, so you can’t believe that anyone in that position would ever feel that way & describe themselves that way? You’re awfully sheltered. They felt the job denied their humanity, but whatever. I learn everyday, but keep your critique - we don’t inhabit the same world.

Well, my friends felt like mastubatory toys- that is what they described. I’m sorry - sex work should be legal, but I don’t have any middle class delusions. Every sex worker I’ve known technically chose the work, but only because it was what paid what they needed to survive at the time. They chose their customers

I wasn’t talking to you & you clearly didn’t get it. Get over yourself. I didn’t shame anyone. Reread, I said “I am physically unable” a la PTSD & a long history of sexual abuse. But my point was, some chicks like to think they could do sex work simply because they aren’t averse to random sex. Sex work isn’t akin to

I am physically unable to consentually “bang” anyone I am not into. Would rather die that be a masturbatory Real Doll for someone I consider a troglodyte. However, I can dash off a campaign stump speech for anyone in mere minutes. No guilt either. If you vote for a fool based off a speech- you deserve what you get.

What’s worse, bang a dude you’re not into for an hour, or wring your brain dry doing speechwriting for Huckabee?