See Hag

It's Isha Aran. She's never even backed down from the "Yet again. YET AGAIN." post about the Django Unchained actor who, as it turns out, was actually having sex in a car in full view of the public. Jezebel isn't about reporting or portraying women, or anything, accurately.

Just curious to know how you define "aging out of the demographic," how it affects your appreciation of media, etc.

No, my reading comprehension is OK. There is a social sciences department at the institution where I teach now so in retrospect I do very well understand this anecdote.

My grandfather, who was in his late 80s, pestered me constantly about finally finishing my dissertation, so for Christmas I decided to gift him with a copy of one of the chapters from the diss so he could see that I was, indeed, working on it (fun fact he never knew: I actually just gave him one of my old research

Also, you are sorority women, you're loud as fuck, which I know because I'm one of you, and you are also .... almost definitely white and almost definitely comfortable.

"....decades in the past, often because they were silenced for that long out of fear."

That's pretty much what an individual post is on the comments board of a blog post, right? Speaking for oneself? I'm sorry your steroid use has affected the size of your IQ as well as your penis. Please go back to Deadspin and your critiques of the commenters there.

I guess. I see what you and everyone is saying. The problem I have is with the subject of the sentence; it's not the body part that's gross, it's the "stuff that can happen" that should be in the predicate. To use a less sensitized example, the pollen, dander, asbestos, whatever that irritates the cilia in my nostrils

Yes I understand that I am a big Michael Camille fan myself...the average Jezebel reader isn't deeply engaged with Julia Kristeva (maybe that was once true but certainly not now) and the first sentence of this story shuts down any such nuanced acknowledgement of liminality...

"The vagina is a place where gross things happen..."

I am so upset and disappointed about this. I'm sure all feminists/rape victims/victim advocates everywhere feel the same. I can hear the thundering heard of MRAs trilby-tipping with glee over this too.

The way the Jezebel staff is afraid of Europeans in a way that manifests itself as constant comments on the appearance of the British is ... creepy and weird (see the unvarnished hate in the story a few months ago about the woman who thought she was too cute to Internet date).

You know this feature is going to be abused almost immediately, for example by the MRAs whining and complaining about the Rolling Stone journalist who are justifiably being called all sorts of names. This kind of abuse-reporting feature will never be succsessful – look at the way "dismiss" and "flag" are used on

This story is not indicative of how unions normally operate, or for whom.

"...that powered Twitter overseas is long over and most foreigners are using WHATSAPP...." Dude no. German here. We use the heck out of Twitter; it's Facebook we avoid. Also, "foreigners," LöL.

It does not look good with that horrible hat, the color and the itchy polyester appearance of it. About 80 percent of women between 14 and 70 have that Schwarzkopf-color hair right now in OZ/NZ.

I'm in NZ right now and I can't wait to use this as a defensive mechanism...thank you and this version is fantastic unto itself!

Thank you for clarifying and I am glad I asked because from your other posts...I did take them to mean you would be critical of porn. So I apologize for misreading your OP. I think porn is very damaging and relate it, somewhat directly, to my own mental health issues, so that is why I am interested in what you have to

I'm asking if the porn-promoting and the trauma are, to you, separate or related issues.

Are you able to draw any associations from the fact that you "dig on porn" in a public message forum and also report many episodes of self-loathing and diassociative states in the same forum?