
I finished XCOM 2! (….on easy) The early goings were still tough in choosing what to prioritize but after the midway mark, the game opens up and settles in a comfortable groove that took away all pressure from th Avatar Meter. I ended up contacting all regions and researching/upgrading all weapons. After a while,

Haven't been around much but I remembered we talked about your trip to Japan a while ago. If you want some tips or recommendations, let me know. You seem fully prepared though with all those activities planned. By the way, Universal Studios Japan in Osaka is probably the funner choice for a comics and/or movie fan.

I love behind-the-scenes trivia like this. Cool!

"You dense …!" was a pretty popular meme.
I think Frozone had the most memorable scene though.

Bit late but I just wanted to add a positive note of appreciation as well. I haven't been here as long as most but have come to value the AV Club (certain segments at least) as a safe haven. The level of dialogue is very high here, it's interesting and constructive and just a real nice place to come to every week.

The PS Plus depends on what you expect from the free games every month but for me, if I get 2 or 3 good games a year, I feel I got my money's worth. I've got 2 PS Plus accounts and in little less than a year, I've gotten 1 great game from each (Gravity Daze, Life Is Strange) and a bunch of fun to great indies/classics

Of the the 15+ games I played since January, only one was released in 2017 apparently so it'll be that one: The Sexy Brutale.
And what a charming, fun game it was. Besides some illogical solutions, the puzzles are fairly simple. However, most of the fun in the game comes from the music, design and atmosphere. The

I'm lucky enough to have never gotten motion sickness from games. I even found the turning around quite slow in this one but overall, the speed was perfectly adjusted to the kind of game it is.

Thanks, I want to think I'll someday try an Iron Man run or try on Commander-difficulty. I play it on PS4 so I can't do mods.
I've got about 10 soldiers in rotation now, and 6 are Lieutenant or above (2 Majors since yesterday). Finding the time to train enoug soldiers… I'm gonna buy that Captain Grenadier tonight

It's been XCOM 2 all week and it will be XCOM 2 all weekend (well, only saturday). The game has its claws in me. Being out sick, I wanted something more static and after preparing myself emotionally, I dove back in for a new game. Went further than my first try at it pretty fast and not having lost any important

Are we still doing a thread here for What games did you finish this week? because I finished a bunch.

Not big on vocals in my synthwave, but I'm open to new stuff, especially when recommended. I'll check it out for sure! Thanks.

Okay, I've been listening to nothing but Synthwave (pretty much the Hotline Miami OST artists and especially Carpenter Brut) and hip-hop like Denzel Curry and Vince Staples.

Reminds me of Kagero: Another Princess. A game I haven't played and only saw screenshots of. You have to kill people with a bunch of elaborate traps. Seemed a bit cheesy (the cover is at least).

Can someone seriously explain that ending to me? I liked the movie but it's just that bit of weird at the end where I went "huh, what'd I miss? Is this movie DEEP now?"

Octopus is really good. Squid too, but only when it's fresh. Especially squid makes for a good snack with beer.

Is it a matter of sentiment for you then where you feel or don't feel based on function? Seems a bit arbitrary.

Ah man, I hate to be the one to tell you but it's very controversial.
Never watch the movie The Cove. It will break your heart.

Growing up in the country (and escaping it as soon as I could), this is all so weird to me. I love animals and pets, anthropomorphize them as well but can still eat them all the same.
I also love the occasional basashi(raw horse) and would try dog if I ever could. But I am pretty vocal about not eating dolphin and

One mech only has 2 miniguns on it and is useless. The other 2 have rocket launchers as well on one arm and make short work of those tanks. As long as they don't run over you, you're fine. I usually carry those EAT's (one-shot rockets) as back-up and use them on bug nests and the like as well.
They are slow and my