
I prefer controllers for 2D platformers and M+KB for 3D platformers. The reason M+KB works better for 3D platformers is because it allows you to adjust the camera as you’re jumping; you can’t do that as easily on a controller, because your thumb controls both jumping and the camera.

The Switch is a great device for indie gaming in bed. It’s how I played through Marble It Up!, The Missing, and Gris.

If you mess around with the chips the right way, you can make yourself basically invincible by endgame. Some of the ones that heal you are ludicrously OP.

Hotline Harambe is a good joke and you should be proud. 

I just started Nier Automata and it feels very PS3, but it got such raves I’m willing to wait for it to click. I wish the chips/load out mechanics were a little more obvious because they seem important. I just finished God of War and they do a good job of holding your hand on the load outs (and maximizing the PS4).

The switch is so great for indies. I don’t think I’d have finished Hollow Knight if I hadn’t gotten it for the platform. I also happen to own A Hat in Time in PC because I accidentally kept my subscription to Humble Monthly... and I don’t know whether to play it on PC, or to just wait ‘til it’s on switch

Nier starts really slow and normal and frankly boring but

Do you ever watch TV shows that are just kinda good but don’t need a ton of visual attention, e.g., Monk or Psych or NCIS? Then the Switch is perfect for you! Play Picross or a game while watching TV is wonderful. 

The Switch also has Into the Breach, Hollow Knight and loads of other indie games that are admittedly also on PC, but fun to have on a portable platform. But then again it also has ARMS (fun and frenetic 3D brawler) and Mario + Rabbids which are Switch-specific.

I starred this because it’s very similar to my thought processes. I’ve played on my son’s Switch a couple of times, and Zelda is definitely worth it if you don’t have a WiiU. Also, it’s the perfect format for Stardew Valley. I definitely want to play Metal Goose Solid, and Hotline Harambe Ape Out looks more suited for

It’s also on PC, so if you have one of those sitting around and aren’t otherwise sold on the switch, that would be a good way to save a few hundred.

Can confirm Zelda is very good, if you’ve already got a WiiU though it’s perfectly good on there.

Now playing

Oh man, I beat her on “Give Me God of War”, New Game Plus, and got the 100% pop-up with her defeat too. It was seriously one of the most satisfying moments of my 20+ years of gaming (sharing solely for bragging rights)

As an occasional but largely lapsed plat-hunter this really makes me want to go back to try GoW again. I kind of washed out of it maybe 5 hours in or so; it’s a good game, I was enjoying it, but I also happened to circle back to Nioh around the same time and fell thoroughly into that rabbit hole on the second

You actually went through with all the Valkyries?!? You’re a beast man.  I gave up after 2 Valkyrie wins and felt like I was beating my head against a wall on the rest.  I did watch a YouTube video of the Queen though and holy hell that looks like a controller snapper.

I came into Nier cold, having never played any of the previous games and no other Platinum games outside of Bayonetta 1/2. Nier Automata is excellent and despite the insane backlog I have (in Chapter 3 of RDR2 over 50+ hours...damn legendary fish), I always want to replay Nier at all times. 

Fire Promoter is out! The long awaited Management mode for Fire Pro Wrestling World is here, and I’ve only managed to delve a little into it. It seems limited but a solid framework- you start out with a few wrestlers and you put on a card each month, you can scout for guys and invite guests, you can put out merch,

It is broadly true that “haters” are an inescapable part of any public-facing position; no matter what you do, no matter how much good you do, or no matter how fundamentally disconnected you are from a perceived problem/irritant, there will always be a vocal minority of dickheads who will feel the need to shit in your

The decision to turn travel time into ‘Lore Dump’ time on the Lake of Nine was such a simple but ingenious time.  So many times I’d just wait to land in the canoe because I wanted to hear the end of Mimir’s story.