
Mostly Monster Hunter World, logging in daily so I could get all the Spring Blossom armor and enjoy the party. Advanced the story a bit by hunting Legiana, an ice dragon that looks kinda like Gyaos. I’ve got a good handle on the bow, have learned a new appreciation for the sword and shield, and am starting to learn


Good news, bad news, folks. The good news is I’m starting to get out of my slump and play more non-Fire Emblem Heroes games. Unfortunately, the game is Metroid: Other M, about which I’ll be doing an article after my self-imposed few days’ break from more serious games writing. And hoo boy, do I have thoughts after

I’m with you fellers. Crash was an attempt to combine a rail shooter with a platformer, and especially in those nascent days of open exploration 3D games, it was very disappointing from a gameplay standpoint. I’ll admit that I’m generally more forgiving of games than I used to be, but I also recognize that those types

From January:

I’m intrigued. I never played Spyro in the 1990s despite owning a PSX (my 3D platformer affection had been covered by the N64) so they would be new to me. My wife also liked them, so she is pretty interested in the new collection. If it comes to Switch and has decent performance, I’ll pick it up.

I am skeptical of all of these remasters because they do not mean anything to me, but I’d be crying tears of stupid joy if they remastered my favorite games, so more power to the fans. Also Spyro is much less awful than Crash. I do not understand Crash. I did not understand Crash before. But Spyro... I feel like Spyro

My personal feeling is that if you, as an artist, have something specific and concrete to say (to the point where you get noticeably upset when people have differing interpretations of your work) then you should make your message clear. Don’t make a complex, layered work of art and then get all snotty and indignant

“Might be so that the other Cauldrons do this more or change it up”

Yeah, well said. In HZD, whenever you go indoors, you start to get that vibe that looks were prioritized above functionality and fluidity (from a purely game design standpoint).

Sorry, couldn’t resist!

I finished Detective Pikachu earlier today. And I gotta say, I really liked it! Usually, I writ about gameplay first and foremost, but its gameplay isn’t really what makes it good. Mechanically, it’s…mediocre, serviceable; I don’t care that there’s no penalties for missing quicktime events, but it’s not brainteasing,

Since the last time I posted here, I’ve played through and beaten Axiom Verge on the Switch. Did a fantastic job of scratching that Metroidvania itch, though I’m still sussing out the story. The gameplay was well executed, and even though there’s no fast-travel system, it was still enjoyable to get around.

Pretty much same as always. I’m several tiers away from getting the Dark Voyager in Fortnite, so that’s going to be awesome. I’m about half way down with the weekly challenge, so I probably won’t get it until next week’s challenges unfortunately. My squad and I tested out the heavy shotgun, and it’s as good as it

I played HZD for 20 hours before I kind of just stopped. I would like to complete it, but it falls into the trap of what Ubisoft loves to do in its open world games: adding meaningless busy work. Pretty much a vast majority of the game falls underneath this for me: collectibles, side missions, and animal towers. It

I just finished HZD after sinking about 120 hours into it. It very much opens up after you head west and the story of the apocalypse was kind of fascinating to me and offset the tribal ridiculousness. I’m debating downloading The Frozen Wilds just to hang out in that world some more.

Oh yeah, Superhot is up there in the first-generation VR pantheon. You feel like SUCH a badass when you throw a bottle into a guy’s face, snag the guns he drops in mid-air, then no-look shoot two guys to your left and right in the face. I don’t know any other game that makes you feel like such a badass with so little

Once you leave the Embrace is when HZD really clicked with me.
