Now playing

It’s a weird lull right now in terms of games. I’ve been filling time with Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds again. Finally managed to get my second chicken dinner in squad by playing decoy and exposing the other team’s location while my teammate gunned the last 2 down. Sometimes it’s good to embrace the fact you’re a

Man, that Metal Gear Survive thing. It’s weird to think of games that manage that act of being so derivative, so ideologically lazy that they almost wrap around to being casually surreal. Which is a lovely if nakedly forced segue into the game I have been unfortunately playing most this week: Shadow the Hedgehog. In a

Last time I was around these parts I mentioned I’d be checking out Mafia 3. Well I checked it out, then I checked out. I’ll probably persevere with it occasionally but it’s not looking great. Dull and repetitive, and the bad kind of repetition at that.

There is a fair amount of clickbait and overblown outrage on the AV Club these days, but this isn’t either of those. The article title is not provocative and confrontational, the article is well written and praises things the game does well while questioning how a specific aspect fits in with that. I don’t necessarily

Ackles in an adaptation of Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye run.

Who would play Katie Byron?

A couple of the middle levels in that game are among the best I’ve seen. Really clever.

The way I enjoy the games the most is to just power through and kill stuff the first time, treating it as a ‘recon’ mission to learn the layout and possible strategies. Then a second ghost run using that knowledge is quite fun. But


I’ve started playing Dishonored 2, which is alright so far, more of the same really. The wider selection of powers is good, but I have come to learn I can’t use the special vision power the way I used to in the first game, it just doesn’t highlight things as brightly. I still find it annoying to have to switch buttons

Once again, Bloodborne has become a fairly good curative for my ongoing depression. I’m definitely overleveled - after some exploration and grinding, I beat the Witch of Hemwick quickly, then after levling up Vicar Amelia at Lv. 51, and today the Shadows of Yharnam at 53 (now 58 thanks to all the piggy-slaying I made

Have you played Doki Doki Literature Club yet?

Now playing

It’s been a lull to start the new year with not a whole lot of new stuff on my plate. I’ve found myself playing some 1-Bit Rogue on my phone. As its name implies, it’s a fairly simple roguelike that’s free. You progress one room at a time earning gold from killing enemies, which allows you to upgrade your characters

Mostly playing Breath of the Wild. Having to create a 2nd account just to play with a 2nd set of save files is pretty dumb.

Internal Affairs > The Departed

You are totally that guy.

The finale seemed a logical endpoint to me, but it means any subsequent seasons will be substantially different in tone. Not sure folks who liked a show about a temporal mystery will be interested in a story about different factions fighting each other across time.

I watched it twice (so liked it, obviously), first time with subtitles (best way), second time dubbed. I’ll happily watch the second series but like you I don’t see how they can recapture that mood, that self-contained feel...

I hope you have a blast with The Last Guardian. I’m still waiting for that one to get a big sale on the PSN. Too many great games out right now. So little time and funds.

Mentioned in my own thing, but Wolfenstein: the Old Blood (and possibly The New Order, though I’m not sure if I beat it by last WAYPTW). It was, ultimately, what most prequels should be: a way to spend a little more time with someone, something that expands on just enough on the backstory to be interesting without

...And finally, my article on Mass Effect: Andromeda is complete. It’s something of which I’m really proud, and I think I managed to get at a number of the problems that were around of and part of it. I’m leading this off at the top mostly because really, what I played this week is less interesting: more DOOM, and

What Have You Finished This Week?