
I’m curious if, as a Millennial, you are unaware of who these bands are or their influence in the rise of Alternative Rock in the mid 90's. Those mementos very much paint a portrait of who Jess was as a teenager.

I bought 20 games on Steam 4 years ago and still haven’t played them all. Plus, seeing as I don’t really like laptop gaming much anyway, those Steam-sales are of no interest to me. Those sales really are just a trap, what sucker falls for those huh!

Played some more Dying Light. It’s a game that shines in the exploration and freedom it gives you with its various systems but the meat of the game (missions, story) are too generic and uninteresting. I do applaud the game for putting its own spin on the zombie genre and adding some elements to spice things up even

Seconded. That was a good read.

I bet Michael B Jordan would be interested too, given his love for anime. 

Of course, this is a game from the Yakuza team at Rya Ga Gotoku Studio,...

I had to re-read and think on it for a moment too but I think ‘democratic’ means non-standardised, dynamic medium like websites, services,discs,.. and “subsumed into...” means every company having their own streaming service or gamepass or what not. So there’s a vertical structure of a company offering the product and

I had to re-read and think on it for a moment too but I think ‘democratic’ means non-standardised, dynamic medium like websites, services,discs,.. and “subsumed into...” means every company having their own streaming service or gamepass or what not. So there’s a vertical structure of a company offering the product and

I followed the news and watched the trailers but nothing really grabbed me except the trailer for Deathloop. Stylish design + Creators of Dishonored. Here’s hoping it can transcend its generic premise (there’s a manga with the exact same hook).
The one real disappointment was Marvel’s Avengers, mostly the character

Not a pizza-expert at all just to start off.
There are a lot of Italian restaurants in Japan, one of the if not the most represented cuisine here (outside of Chinese of course).
They all have pizzas and while I appreciate their restraint of “more is less” and traditionality, most of them are bland. A few times, I’ve had

I started dying from the 10th dungeon onward. Am at the 12th now, died once and should try again. I heard the Dealer himself is the 13th and quite a challenge apparently.
Looking forward to start Hand of Fate 2 and see how they improved it.

Can you expand on that?

Long time no see, folks. Haven’t done much gaming after finishing Spider-Man. I was a bit burned out too tbh. None of my backlog stuff really spoke to me so for the past few weeks, I’ve played some Apex Legends, Fortnite and then this week tried out Dauntless. It’s a free Monster Hunter Lite. I like the visual style

I watched the entirety of Chernobyl this week as well. Man, that was one tight, gripping show. Also, horrifying. I thought I’d never sleep again after episode 3. But it wasn’t just the body horror, the existential fear that permeated everything was so oppressive. Never have been moodshots of rain, dust and a breeze

Pretty sure those elevator platforms are straight out of Akira too. 

I just went looking and found a subreddit (weddingsunder10k) for it. Because of there is. :D

I love going to weddings but am way too cheap to spend so much on my own someday. Hopefully. I’ll do one but I think you could pull of a nice wedding for 10K like some of my friends have done.

Can’t speak to themed weddings but regular weddings are expensive as hell in Japan, ranging from 2 million to 5 million yen (18,000 - 45,000 USD).
Granted, I compare that to European weddings, I have no idea how much an American wedding is. 

I like the clean-up in these games at the end, see the sights one last time, get those satisfying collections filled in and get the plat. But a full week and a half after clearing the game, I still haven’t finished because of those crime missions. I even collected all the backpacks naturally during the game for pete’s

Exactly. But I’m not gonna cover those flaws with the “mantle of love” (as the proverb goes in my country) because it’s a “necessary evil and they have to follow the current trends”. That’s weak sauce.