
to be fair, his "normal accent" still sounds southern

why does it matter?

Yeah I wanted to read a few more tangents about why Alec Berg sucks and the beef between TJ's family and himself

the Griffith Park mountain lion is found dead of a mysterious wound…

Is it just me or did anyone else find the lack of commentary on the election in this episode to be a bit bothersome? Like why did Maggie and Sasha get so much airtime without even so much as once mentioning the idea that faithless electors could still prevent a Trump presidency? They could have worked this into the

World Peace wasn't overtly alt-right or political, but there were a number of alt-right dog whistles embedded within. For example, the mention of 'Moon Man' and David Duke, the blackface and naming two black characters "Dono" and "Donothing", and the scene during one of the closing music segments where one of their

dont roof rack me, bro

When it's largely descriptive like this one.

"…but at times he seems to forget what made him so good at this stuff the first time around."

haha that's awesome