Gay ass Daddy Yankee I know is you usingvotherbpeoples name masturbating Matefuker you have HIV and you are disgusting you know nothing about writing cause when you went to high school all you did was get high and sell drugs and sexual abuse woman
Gay ass Daddy Yankee I know is you usingvotherbpeoples name masturbating Matefuker you have HIV and you are disgusting you know nothing about writing cause when you went to high school all you did was get high and sell drugs and sexual abuse woman
A real detective is investigating you are ass to putt you jail for identity thief
Tu eres Daddy Yankee el que es escribiendo esto deja de hacerte pasar por otras personas
Girl he is no Mark his real name is Daddy Yankee and he is an Identity thief that pretends to be someone else and he does it to everybody on the web I know him and that is why he used others names to post negative post and offencive so no one knows is him he stills their identity post his post as ofencive he is a…
Daddy Yankee is the person posting this ingnore him he is an Identity thief that all he does and post butshill cause he ia hating cause he is jelose he uaed others name ao no one know is him
Your name is NOT Mark Your name is Daddy Yankee Indentity thief who is always using peoples name on media to post a lot of bullshit about other celebretitys cause you are jelouse of them cause they are sussceful and your career is a peace of shit a only thing they know about your fake ass matherfuker is gasoline wich…