
Now let's just hope Quantum Break follows suit.

better be trolling.. You'll get a lot of People telling you that you don't need to spend that much. (They're right)

I really hope this becomes a trend with all MS exclusives.

First of all, Skyrim doesn't suck. Its one of the best ElderScrolls games.

You can use controllers on the PC.

Also noteworthy, on Steam you can pick up Sniper Elite V2 for free for the next 24 hours. Should appear on the Spotlight section on Steam.

you claim to be a master, but you aren't even good at baiting...

GunFlame, I'm sorry to do this to you, but :

I don't think we drill that stuff into reader's heads. I think the ethos here has always been to talk about what we think people care about. Fact is, people care about that stuff. I may not agree with the obsession, but it's there. Granted, we'll always talk about what we think you should care about too. As with any

Who buys a Ferrari?

Limited is the word of the day folks. Learn it. Breathe it. Switch to the glorious Master Race :)

We can't review the game until one of us has played through it. We can't play through it by launch day unless we have the game before launch day. Ubisoft did not send us a copy prior to launch day, so our reviewer is doing his best to play through the game now and then will file a review once he's done. Definitely not

So Revik is a completely random element that can jump in and out of your game whenever and wherever and ruin any notion of sitting and waiting for perfect moments to move or strategizing best options on the fly in slight safety?

This comment section is going to turn into a bunch of butthurt console sympathizers. I'm gonna go back to /r/PCMasterRace and talk to people who aren't ignorant.

I wonder how he thinks his precious console games get developer on. Or tested on, or shown off on. Or that a $500 PC can stomp all over a PS4/XB1 in terms of graphics (And stomp on them even more if you want to get even quality.)

"You get games like this because of consoles. Because of console standards" What? This game could've been easily made on the PC with better graphics AND framerate. Artistic standards are set by the developer. Tech standards are set by the hardware and you can bet your butt that PC has those standards outclassing

Continuing your idiotic trolling on PC gaming, I see. Keep on trucking console warrior.

It's not like the most played games and biggest MMO's are on PC right? The Witcher 2 wasn't developed for PC either? And all the pro-gaming isn't on PC, right?

I often wonder why some of you people get these problems (no offense). Is it because you don't know how to maintain/setup a PC? Because you overbloat your PC with software/malware?