Sector 7G-Wagen

Thank you - absolutely criminal this was not included in the list. 

Challenger Hellcat Redeye Widebody.

This is the only Jetta build variant I care to see:

That Fogore is beautiful. I feel like the EV revolution could be a boon to luxury manufactures that had beautiful design platforms but less than stellar reputations for reliability.

Ferrari 250 GT Lusso.

Couldn’t agree more - as a classic car owner that is younger-ish - this is my biggest pet peeve. I have had people at car shows interested in my car and when I tell them all about it (I know ever facet of the build and was involved throughout), they lose interest and walk away when I tell them I didn’t build it myself.

This is a NP.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a bro-dozer is a good guy with a bro-dozer.

When it comes to great cars released over a diverse portfolio, to me, it’s Ford.

My wife and I have a 2014 Ford Explorer XLT as our sole vehicle with 217,000k on the odo. We have been saving up for a new vehicle and recently had a $1,500 repair on the AC and clutch fan.

“Top of the line in utility sports, unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!!”

I think Deere & Company could make a strong EV out of the gate. They already make their own engines and drivetrains and have a dedicated division for electronics. Start with what they have learned from their Gator XUVs and go from there.

This is amazing. Worth it - I bet that white facing looked sick.

Ha, genius. I had a short in my column for my horn - each time I turned the wheel, the horn would honk. I pulled the fuse for day-to-day driving but popped it back in come inspection time. I made sure to pull straight into the bay and straight back out so nobody was the wiser. Amazing times.

Ugh, the “Overnight parts from Japan” line from the O.G. Fast and Furious ruined so many early 2000s kid’s budgets. I was not immune.

This is all so glorious and lovingly - and tastefully done - for the time. If the early 2000s had their version of the golden record, a photo of your interior should be included.

Danny Boyle - 28 Days Later and Fast and Furious mash-up. 

The Wraith!

This is great work. To me, this is miles more tasteful than the Jeep Grand Wagoneer XLLLLLL

Early 2000s Ford Thunderbird.