
Brittany Howard is cooler than anyone else on this whole planet. Everything she does is amazing and I don't think she's human.

Man I would have to be on all the pills, and also on 24-hour suicide watch.

I imagine this is what it’s like to work at Snopes.

Like I said in a different thread, this isn’t a joke. She’s setting a very dangerous precedent. What happens when a cop kills two gay men because that is what Leviticus tells him


Maybe she could get invited to a Survivor Reunion Challenge thing? And could then OMG TRAGIC SO SAD accidentally fall off a cliff? I’m not saying I would do that even though I totally would, I’m just saying it’s possible, and that all hope is not yet dead

From the linked article, RE: Lunchables:

Pretty sure Mark’s lunch is drugs. Benefits of working from home I guess.

This is a sterling example of why it’s so important that we shame and defund PP out of existence.

“I am where Mentality has always come from. I am Mentality. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a musician. I am an artist and a maker. I am also a fighter.”

indie nail polish community

“I am where Mentality has always come from. I am Mentality. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a musician. I am an artist and a maker. I am also a fighter.”

The truly American thing would be to charge for ketchup but give your richer customers loopholes to pay much less for it.

“Fortunately, we had a pretty good relationship with the local cops (again, this was Canada, not America, so all the young cops had Women’s Studies degrees and wanted to help poor people and shit). “

The Man and His Daughter Walk Away, Hopefully Forever

Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.

100 combo meals at McDonald’s? Really. Jesus, if you’ve got 100 drunk people to feed, order pizzas like a normal person.

Didn’t we establish that the minimum balance on a starbucks card is $5? *Checks* Yes, yes we did.