
Makes me wonder what sorta shape Sony’s in-house PlayStation 3 emulator is in. (C’mon, you know they’ve been working on one.)

While this is all so fun and exciting, I am more interested in the actual picture itself. Can anyone tell me where I can get that Classic Retro Vintage PC Case??

PS3 emulation has got to require an ungodly beast of a machine to run well enough to be considered anywhere in the vicinity of playable.

Battleborn was not a shitty rip-off though. People only thought it was.

It’s basically a hero brawler. It sounds a little Battleborn-ish to me.

Maybe they’ll take another hint from Battleborn and include a four-person story/mission/scenario mode, but much more expansive than eight repetitive siege maps and five mini-campaigns.

I like that they’re trying new gameplay formats, but man....the visuals really took a step back, and I’m usually the first one to give a pass on such things. I know they probably couldn’t keep that many people on screen looking as good as the NS games, but their weird texture/filter on the character models and the

While this is a great story...

Yea, no one argues with someone who is running toward you, screaming, brandishing a sword. No one wants a piece of that crazy.

the upside to using a sword as a defensive weapon is that your attacker assumes you’re a bigger psycho than they are.

And award for worst streaming presentation goes to Twitch and Sony. That feed was slowing down every couple seconds, it was like watching an animated gif with frames missing. I thought it was my connection, but I checked the chat feed and a lot of other people were complaining too. Let’s also not forget about the

Well that was a letdown overall. When it started by showing off three major IPs, Uncharted, Horizon, and Days Past (which looks like the zombie horde game we’ve always wanted) I thought “hmm they must have something really big to show us” but no, they had bugger all. While GoW looked really good still not much has

Beyond Good and Evil 2 but it’s a prequel?

Best show of E3 so far, even better after the disappointment that was Bethesda’s “here’s stuff we released a year ago” mess.

Did you seriously just ban someone for expressing, correctly, that you completely misrepresented the referenced study? If they were trolling or using inflammatory language, sure, but when you write a sensationalistic article that is premised on the most shallow reading possible of an academic article, you should

I like em smart* n slutty**. Like, scientists with a shitload of eyeliner.

Believe it or not, there are some evolutionary reasons for human behavior. Want to look dumb for a one night stand? Take a scientific article and misinterpret it to whore clicks and hits.