
I bounced off of FFTA, and I don’t think it was just because of the kiddy aesthetic. It’s also just mechanically different in a lot of ways that some folks don’t enjoy. Also after going back to it a few weeks ago, I’m not a fan of the interface.

What the hell was the team working on if the PVE campaign isn’t out on Oct 4? They had years of work for like 3 characters and 2 maps? A bit of balancing? Why even bother, just keep updating Overwatch 1 and make it f2P. No need for a new title that is basically a regular update when the original Overwatch launched.

At this point calling it Overwatch 2 just feels stupidly confusing and they might as well call it Overwatch Nova or some other revamp type name.

I agree with you. I don’t think this streamer deserved to be fired for making a shitty joke, but she absolutely deserves scrutiny for it. Nobody has control over their height, and telling a percentage of the population, “you are irredeemably unattractive for reasons you can’t control” is an asshole take even if it’s a

Short men everywhere will not stand for th...oh, they are standing. Sorry, I couldn’t tell. I thought they were sitting upright. My bad.

It really sucks that nobody can joke anymore.

Agreed. It should be a 1 to 1 flip of the meaning.

“What if it was the other way around?”

Should be: “Women who are under 170 cm don’t have human rights.”

This sounds like the kind of absurd trash talking lots of friends do with each other. It would be like me telling my red head friend, “Gingers shouldn’t have rights” and them firing back about me needing a stool to reach the top shelf or something. Sharp barbs between friends are fun if everyone is on board.

It just

That’s not flipping it around, thats flipping it around and then making it overtly sexualized.

You can just say, “what if a guy said short girls shouldn’t have rights?” its still not great. But (as a short guy) society talking about men’s height is in another dimension compared to how we talk about women’s bodies,

A situation full of dumb people all around. This idiot for being dumb enough to say this publicly, and the short dudes who have the most fragile fucking ego about their height. 

This is absurd. Even just reading the text, there is no way anyone should misconstrue this as anything but a joke about how much she likes tall men. It may be a poor joke by some standards, but a joke nonetheless. She’s not trying to enact policy to take away the rights of short men, or sincerely advocating for the

It’s real, basically they just cut the bone and hold the pieces in place while it slowly regrows and fills in the gap, but much like stuff like “penis enlargement surgery” it’s more of a thing to fix a specific medical issue such as uneven limb growth and not some magic medicine to just make someone larger all around.

Is this really worth firing someone for?

If you want players to use different weapons why not give them advantages and disadvantages in different scenarios and against different enemies? Or make them so they’re only available at certain times? Using a crummy weapon durability mechanic doesn’t make gameplay more enjoyable. Why force players to hoard a variety

It’s because BotW’s system sucks. If the goal is to make the player use a range of weapons, there are much better ways to do it.

It's a terrible system is why people don't like it

A quick pace isn't taking the game for granted. There are so many great games and not enough time. I do agree though, it's nice that she's truly enjoying it at her pace. 

I definitely think one of the downsides of so much information sharing around games, is that push for more “optimal” or min-max commentary from people.

It reminds me of when I was a kid and couldn’t afford to buy a lot of games. You better believe I was dragging out RPGs like crazy. Playing and replaying. Trying to wring every last drop out of them.

People are the worst.

There’s probably more to it than we know. Maybe one of the yakuza/ex-yakuza is dating the same maid, or thinks she’s “his” somehow. Maybe the victim was involved in some shady shit along with his tormentors. Etc. etc.