Upon reflection, this might actually be the worst of the show. Even Fighter flight (the previous title holder imo) had one of the funniest exchanges in the show.
Upon reflection, this might actually be the worst of the show. Even Fighter flight (the previous title holder imo) had one of the funniest exchanges in the show.
It makes me sad, because this show has so much potential. This show probably gives us the most effective portrayals of vader and Tarkin outside the orig trig.
… this was not very good. Sabine just isnt that interesting. But this actually made me *gasp* like chopper.
Have to say so that you know that I have a crippling sense of self worth exclusively tied to my overly analytical sense of star wars knowledge.
I can't agree with the last bit about episode 7 since it hasn't released yet, but that is my single greatest fear with the new trilogy: that it stagnates into OT 2.
Padme's security officer in the second and third film
Hell yes. Maybe that Trade Federation space commander from the Ryloth episodes?
Son of Dathomir comics (which are canonical)….