
I wish the whole LCD screen in cars thing would just go away.. they are so obtrusive, and utterly useless. I don’t get why some companies even bother adding one if the car doesn’t have a backup camera. I seriously think it is just a scam so the dealer can set exorbitant prices on dated technology just so you can

She should’ve gotten one of those cars with a clock in the dash. They’re great for knowing what the time is while driving.

its important to be paying attention all the time... even while stopped. i have been saved from being rear ended at least once because i was doing a mirror check at a stop light... p

It’s easy to imagine the Apple Watch offering a bit more safety than a standard smartphone

Can’t tell if trolling or....

Before digital clocks, most cars came with analog clocks built in the dashboard. Clock in cars are almost as old as cars.

I’d bet the number of Apple watch users driving cars that don’t have clocks in them somewhere is near zero.

Don’t try to think like the guilty person. Most people can’t chew gum and walk without tripping. The law is for all of us.

Yeah, somehow it’s legal to use a tablet while driving, so long as it’s built into the console.

I think any display is just about as bad as another. I just drove a company car that I had to look at and tap a screen 3-4 times to adjust the heat/fan. In my car I just reach out and do it and can keep my eyes on the road.

I think the bigger point is this is the first step towards total digitization of currency. Sometimes slippery slope isn’t a fallacy.

Lotta private seller car sales are cash transactions, at least in my little slice of “heaven” (Hollywood, FL)

This will only effect honest citizens. Actual criminals will easily adapt to illegal cash and money laundering, and even cryptocurrency.

Absofuckinglutely asinine.

Yeah, and a lot of people (myself included) don’t have $150 laying around to keep a debit account open. This might work if the government’s willing to give everybody a free checking account, but that’s not going to happen.

How is it random? Eddie is a reporter, he reports on a sketchy science business, an employee there tracks him down confirming shady shit is going down, he goes in, gets infected, and the company tries to kill him while he wrestles for control over the symbiote’s bloodlust. This is as straightforward as it gets.

Sounds to me like he’s going to be struggling to walk the line between a New York accent and being Tom Hardy.

Should be fining the CEO as well.

That’s still the nicest motorcycle gang ever. I mean they vandilized the place by giving it a 1 star rating how horrific ..., those, those... animals!