
If it wasn't due to Rus Blackwell getting another acting gig, then I think it was probably more of a mistake than not to have killed off Gordon. Unfortunately the character had become an emasculated drunk, and it took a while to make him a worthwhile character again, but he was just starting to add back an interesting

I actually like Carrie, even if her steadfastness has been questionable on occasion. But pairing her with Hood romantically is a dead end. They can be supportive friends and share in wistful reminiscence, they can be partners in crime maybe (I'm not convinced that will work out long-term), and they can share in the

In a sea of killers, I don't find Proctor being a killer to be outside the bounds. I do think his being equal to Hood is a little implausible, as I think Hood would have been exposed to more fight training from a variety of sources, military to criminal, and Hood has natural advantages, such as age, and being slightly

Based on the teaser for this episode, I was already expecting Siobhan to die. The teaser really gave away too much with the shot of Hood's anguished face and the promise of a much-talked about episode. The only thing that could have really given him that look other than Siobhan dying was if Deva had died, and she