
You don't have to boil the closed can. That works but it's, you know, kind of dangerous. Open the can and pour it into a pie plate, cover the pie plate with foil, then place that in a water bath, and bake it at 425 for an hour. Take it out and whisk it, and you've got nice smooth dulce de leche.

>>There is a very real chance I have had the pleasure of being jaded by my surrounding tolerance, so I understand the need for opposition.

I don't think that there's anything wrong with wondering if a character you like is gay, straight, or bi. It's just people wanting to engage more fully with the text. Or did you bristle at people assuming he must be gay because he wears eyeliner or something.

Can anything be done to stop this asshat? If the Dunkerton principal is telling the truth, he obviously misrepresents his show, could he be sued for fraud?

Not at all. The 80s revival was all over the hipster bodies for most of 2005-2010, I feel like, and I live in a non metropolitan city.

Well, I heard that in 1978, God changed his mind about black people. So that's fine. :D

I edited out "Mormon" from the sentence above because I didn't want to be hateful, and I guess it's only the fundamentalist sects doing that. THIS century, anyway...

RPS is one of the most cringe inducing things in the world and I die a little inside whenever somebody tries to show it to the actors in question, which has happened several times at Dragoncons I've gone to. Barf. This does not need to be mainstreamed, think of the children, etc.

Oh my god, is it just the pull quotes or is the entire book written this poorly? ARGH?

Also there's the whole falling in love with a baby thing, which (to me) smacks of men marrying much younger women/girls. Creepy.

I know! Priorities, people!

The part at the end made me think of the part in twilight where Edward chews the baby out of Bella. #spoileralert, y'all! Bleah.

clearly not you.

Oh Winnie, it's more than a few. You can find deeply misogynistic comments in just about every subreddit. More if you feel like going places like r/mensrights, the most obvious but certainly not the only really troubling sub.

Reddit is such a wonderland of woman-related positivity. No bros or douchebags there, no, never.

yes but old was Grace Gummer when she figured out her father was sculptor Don Gummer?

laying the blame for shitty manufacture on the fact that the stuff is made overseas? kind of xenophobic and also, I don't buy it. plenty of clothes made overseas are fine. Levis for women suck nowadays because of the spandex, plain and simple.

there's no technicality about it. if they don't have feet, they're not tights.


This isn't Grimm, this is a guy with a fetish knocking women out of their shoes, with a Disney princess sheen. The costumes range from "sexy version of the movie costume" to "stripper version of the movie costume". This isn't unbowdlerizing the tales, it's just sploitation.