@sekushinonyanko: do you read the books? I mean, the character is completely different in the books but she does have relationship trouble, which works itself out eventually. Maybe show|Tara will get a J.B.
@sekushinonyanko: do you read the books? I mean, the character is completely different in the books but she does have relationship trouble, which works itself out eventually. Maybe show|Tara will get a J.B.
@sekushinonyanko: well, they're cousins, so it's less likely the relationship would be as degrading/depressing as her other ones.
Is it terrible that I don't buy this not because Hayes is gay but because I feel like he's *typecast* as gay? Specifically, as Jack? Oh god, I sound like the Newsweek guy.
@RedBeansAndRiceDidMissHer: there's no reason to assume he was jackhammering her like that all six hours. :P Eric is willing to go down on a woman, at least in the books.
I'm dreading Tara's storyline this year. Her relationship with Franklin Mott is going to be so degrading.
I'm so glad American Idiot didn't win.
Maybe I'm a Gaga apologist, but don't people flip off paparazzi all the time?
@titchytiny: what? I'm 210 and I love the elliptical, it's low impact for my crap knees.
My sister had a BOSS once who was constantly criticizing her bras the same way your mother did. She even told her to go to her custom bra store where all the bras cost upwards of $100. It was awful and so inappropriate, not in a sexual harassment way but in an incredibly mean way.
I guess the women that the Daily Fail surveyed don't go to the University of Alabama's rec center - the sorority girls don't dress up to work out, they wear the same thing they wear to class - party t-shirts and these particular Nike shorts they all seem to have to wear. Of course, they still look more put together…
I feel about Glee the way I felt about Dead Like Me: it could be SO awesome if things about it didn't suck so much.
FEEL SHAME, ladies!
@knightgee: well, that's good!
oh, god, poor Buttercup whose puppy died. that's nice of her to raise those kittens.
ok, I watched about 30 seconds of her video from the MTV awards, noted that the song mostly consisted of her spelling out her own name ("X-T-I-N-A), and promptly stopped caring.
This seems like a logical, if insidious, extension of Disney's "every girl a princess" doctrine.
The aforementioned Moe hair on the dancers is grossing me out. I hate the three stooges.
@Angua: I wish his joining had stirred up more controversy.
@Angua: Honestly, while I like (love) Jon Stewart, I don't watch the Daily Show. So I'm not feeling particularly emotional about the correspondant issue. Olivia Munn's "one of the dudes but super hot" shtick does sound irritating, though.
@Angua: I'm not all that concerned with the Daily Show but I *loathe* Rob Riggle.